Rosa, pompa, risa

Con la primavera

mis sueños se llenan

de rosas, lo mismo

que las escaleras

orilla del río.

Rose, bubble, laugh

In spring
my dreams fill up
with roses, the same
as the stairs
on the banks of the river.

Imagen-photograph: http://www.orviz.nom.es/

Con la primavera

mis rosas se llenan
de pompas, lo mismo
que las torrenteras
orilla del río.

In spring
my roses fill up
with bubbles, the same
as the torrents
on the banks of the river.
Con la primavera
mis pompas se llenan
de risas, lo mismo
que las ventoleras
orilla del río.
In spring
my bubbles fill up
with laughter, the same
as the gusts of wind
on the banks of the river.
Juan Ramón Jiménez

Our favourite toys

In November Polish pupils from Primary School No 5 in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland celebtared Teddy Bear's Day at their school. They had a school play about teddy bears, plastic arts contest and a lot of fun with very nice Teddy Bear. Everyone was smiling :)

Pupils painted and drew their favourite teddy bears. They are very nice and cute. Let's have a look!

Do you like playing with dolls? All little girls and some boys do. Let's play and have fun!